SecretGardener / SalaAednik

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high...and a dreames that you dreamed there...and somewhere might be a Seckret Place for You, to relax,if you need,or thinking Your inner thoughts,or just enjoy ,that You ARE-right NOW...and there...
Please welcome to my Secret Garden!

P.S.I would try in future to translate in english shortly about I had wrote in estonian,but most of videos and links are in english anyway...Hope You´ll find something ,what You need to find for Yourself.

EESTI KEELES on osa tekste.Sinul,kes Sa põhiliselt eesti keeles loed,ei tasu nüüd ehmatada ära,et osa pealkirju algul inglise keeles,osa neist olen koondanud nii eesti kui inglise keelse pealkirja alla,osa on eraldi postitatud.Loodan,et see väga ei raskenda Sul Sind huvitavat leidmast.Videod küll enamjaolt inglise keelsed...aga...pilt ju silmnähtav igas keeles ja muusikaga sama lugu.Ilusat kohtumist!

And by the way,
the official site of my favorite musicians
Secret Garden is :

In this blog:

TRAVEL PAGE; Media over the world; Uudiseid; The Healing Power; Woodland etc.; What a wonderful world; Somewhere over the rainbow; Online literature; Gardens of the world; Secret Garden in music; From different sides of the world; From the beginning; Antoine de saint Exupery; Some interesting links; Akiane Kramarik; Creating and Harmony; Amazing Human; Human and art; Handycraft; My old favorite things; Olemise lauluke; In loving memory; Michal Snunit-Hingelind; Jutustan Sinule loo; Siin ja praegu; Aegumatuid tekste; Kahlil Gibran; Intervjuu Jumalaga; Tervise ja hariduse nurgake; Aedadest,kaevudest ja muudest...; Minu Eestimaa; Lot of POSTS, VIDEOS and LINKS

lauantai 7. maaliskuuta 2009


Celtic Woman - Ave Maria


Love changes everything:

Aspects of love - Love changes everything
Alex: Michael Ball

Love, love changes everything
Hands and faces, earth and sky
Love, love changes everything
How you live and how you die
Love, can make the summer fly
Or a night seem like a lifetime
Yes love, love changes everything
Now I tremble at your name
Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Love, love changes everything
Days are longer, words mean more
Love, love changes everything
Pain is deeper than before
Love will turn your world around
And that world will last forever
Yes love, love changes everything
Brings you glory, brings you shame
Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Off into the world we go
Planning futures, shaping years
Love (comes in) and suddenly all our wisdom disappears
Love makes fools of everyone
All the rules we made are broken
Yes love, love changes everyone
Live or perish in its flame
Love will never never let you be the same
Love will never never let you be the same

♥♫ OMAR AKRAM - Dancing with the wind ♥♫

What Women Want (2000) - Trailer

What Women WantMel Gibson dance on Frank Sinatra's I Won't Dance

Kanawa - I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair LadyChris de Burgh - Lady in Red 1996

Women In Art

Mariah Carey_Without You

ASHER QUINN - Gypsy Madonna

Celine Dion - 'Power of Love'

Omar Akram: "Run away with me"

Women are Art - Corot

Uriah Heep - Lady in black (Acoustic Live)

♥♫ ASHER QUINN -The Mystic Garden ♥♫(Lyrics)

Arvo Pärt: Silouans Song / Vienna Philharmonic Women

Women In Film-by Philip Scott

Men In Film-by Philip Scott Johnson

Roy Orbison - She's A MysteryRoy Orbison - Pretty Woman

John Lennon - Woman is the "N" of the World

John Lennon "Woman"

John Lennon stand by me

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

♥♫ ASHER QUINN - Come Away♥♫(lyrics

♥♫ Canzone Angelica - Asher Quinn

Tibetan Song Yulha Women`s Right Trinkhor 3

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