SecretGardener / SalaAednik
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high...and a dreames that you dreamed there...and somewhere might be a Seckret Place for You, to relax,if you need,or thinking Your inner thoughts,or just enjoy ,that You ARE-right NOW...and there...
Please welcome to my Secret Garden!
the SecretGardener
P.S.I would try in future to translate in english shortly about I had wrote in estonian,but most of videos and links are in english anyway...Hope You´ll find something ,what You need to find for Yourself.
EESTI KEELES on osa tekste.Sinul,kes Sa põhiliselt eesti keeles loed,ei tasu nüüd ehmatada ära,et osa pealkirju algul inglise keeles,osa neist olen koondanud nii eesti kui inglise keelse pealkirja alla,osa on eraldi postitatud.Loodan,et see väga ei raskenda Sul Sind huvitavat leidmast.Videod küll enamjaolt inglise keelsed...aga...pilt ju silmnähtav igas keeles ja muusikaga sama lugu.Ilusat kohtumist!
And by the way,
the official site of my favorite musicians
Secret Garden is :
Please welcome to my Secret Garden!
the SecretGardener
P.S.I would try in future to translate in english shortly about I had wrote in estonian,but most of videos and links are in english anyway...Hope You´ll find something ,what You need to find for Yourself.
EESTI KEELES on osa tekste.Sinul,kes Sa põhiliselt eesti keeles loed,ei tasu nüüd ehmatada ära,et osa pealkirju algul inglise keeles,osa neist olen koondanud nii eesti kui inglise keelse pealkirja alla,osa on eraldi postitatud.Loodan,et see väga ei raskenda Sul Sind huvitavat leidmast.Videod küll enamjaolt inglise keelsed...aga...pilt ju silmnähtav igas keeles ja muusikaga sama lugu.Ilusat kohtumist!
And by the way,
the official site of my favorite musicians
Secret Garden is :
- ► helmikuuta (1)
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- ► maaliskuuta (20)
- ► helmikuuta (21)
- ► tammikuuta (6)
- ► joulukuuta (13)
- ► marraskuuta (31)
- Georgia Woes Could Send Ripple Through Other Froze...
- The six forms of music
- Dead Sea Scrolls to go digital on Internet
- Tunnels show Hitler's megalomaniac vision
- Schizophrenia genes found at last
- Goblin shark caught on video
- Puhua minulle suomea -tapahtuma 29.8.2008 Helsingi...
- Uusissa liikennevaloissa ei lainkaan vihreää /Uues...
- 22.08.2008-Taiteiden yö/ HELSINGIS Kunstide öö 20-...
- Galactic "spagetti monster"
- Gerd Kanteri autasustamine 20.augustil 2008 ca kl ...
- Kaika Laine imeline tervenemine
- ÖÖLAULUPIDUDE eri. Eesti Vabariigi presidendi kõn...
- Did Russia Plan Its War In Georgia?
- Helsingistä saattaa päästä raiteita pitkin Berliin...
- Aggression written in the shape of a man's face
- NATO freezes Russian ties over Georgia
- Gerd Kanter - OLYMPIC CHAMPION 2008!!!!/ ÕNNITLEME...
- What is WWOOF?
- WWOOF (ingl k World Wide Opportunities on Organic ...
- Katainen: Nyt tarvitaan Venäjä-realismia/Katainen ...
- Krimmi eestlased
- Krimmi tööle minev õpetaja saadeti pidulikult teele
- Helsingis hakkab veel üks kool õpetama lapsi eesti...
- Marko Mihkelson: kes andis käsu rünnata Gruusiat?
- Russian convoy moves deeper inside Georgia: witness
- Vene väed kindlustuvad positsioone ega tea midagi ...
- Rare sextuplets born in Iraq, four survive/ Iraagi...
- Little robin from Gabon is world's newest species
- Separating fact from fiction:war is dangerous, dir...
- Camera spots rare clouded leopard
- Americans 'find body of Bigfoot'
- Head of Roman empress unearthed
- Mummy's secrets revealed
- A 10,000-year-old cemetery
- Bush sends Rice to Georgia (02:15) Reporthttp:...
- Comment: China's green journey
- Sniffing for Mr. Right
- Some videos: USA about Georgia
- Gruusiast Eestis
- Some months ago they come to built railway in Geor...
- Kuidas ehitada raudteed-Vene variant Gruusias...
- Analysis:Caspian conflict-russian very clear strat...
- The situation in Georgia is extremely difficult...
- Vastakad vastukajad Gruusia sündmustele Eestis...
- Eesti ja Poola presidendid peavad jätkuvalt oluli...
- EL kutsus Venemaad peatama sõjategevust
- Forever Young...Cell change 'keeps organs young'
- Invisibility cloak 'step closer'
- milk consumed over 8500- 9000 years ago:Early Euro...
- First Neanderthal genome completed
- US warning to Russia over Georgia ,11 August 2008 ...
- Vene maaväed alustasid rünnakut Gori suunas 00:07
- Venemaa viis Abhaasiasse 9000 dessantväelast( 08:58)
- Georgia move fails to halt raids
- Learn To Read Through Sound
- Revolutionary Atomic Model
- ....Therapies For Humans With Blindness...
- Georgia 'pulls out of S Ossetia'
- Hand Drum
- Native American indian - Earth Drum and etc. ...
- Soul Speed Dance/Theatre Troupe
- Gogov shen tchems gulshi-Georgian popular songTeno...
- Can our TV signals be picked up on other planets?
- Peace bid as Ossetia crisis rages(Page last update...
- Gene raises risk of lifetime smoking habit: study
- Georgia calls for truce in South Ossetia
- The Peace Prayer /Rahupalve...
- Multiple Sclerosis .../SCLEROSIS MULTIPLEX
- Your belly fat...
- The Taste Gene
- If Your First Cigarette Gave You A Buzz And You No...
- Russian jets attack Georgian town
- They Smell Like Twins
- Threading Light Through the Opaque
- Postimees Gruusias: Gruusia valitsus on välja kuul...
- K2 survivors tell their ordeal
- Dinosaur cousin of T-Rex discovered
- Last news from Georgia
- Laupäeval valitakse Eesti uhkeim ahi
- Märk: OLÜMPIA.../Olympics begin with fireworks
- georgia(sakartvelo),tbiliso...
- Georgia fighting intensifies
- Solar systems like ours may be rare
- NASA Quashes Rumors of Life on Mars
- Sept launch for bid to crack secrets of universe
- Bacteria were the real killers in 1918 flu pandemic
- Tutankhamun fetuses to get paternity test
- Instant Expert: The Human Brain
- Erna Raid 2008/Erna Retk 2008
- Phoenix soil results released after days of specul...
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- Kas olümpiasportlaste sugu peaks kontrollima?
- Green mystery blob may reveal black holes last meal
- Poolast leiti türannosauruse esivanem
- Solzhenitsyn-was laid to rest .../Venemaal maeti A...
- How the Ideas and Events of 1993 Created the World...
- The Priceless Gift
- ► heinäkuuta (78)
- ► toukokuuta (6)
- ► huhtikuuta (35)
- ► maaliskuuta (28)
- ► helmikuuta (25)
In this blog:
Media over the world;
The Healing Power;
Woodland etc.;
What a wonderful world;
Somewhere over the rainbow;
Online literature;
Gardens of the world;
Secret Garden in music;
From different sides of the world;
From the beginning;
Antoine de saint Exupery;
Some interesting links;
Akiane Kramarik;
Creating and Harmony;
Amazing Human;
Human and art;
My old favorite things;
Olemise lauluke;
In loving memory;
Michal Snunit-Hingelind;
Jutustan Sinule loo;
Siin ja praegu;
Aegumatuid tekste;
Kahlil Gibran;
Intervjuu Jumalaga;
Tervise ja hariduse nurgake;
Aedadest,kaevudest ja muudest...;
Minu Eestimaa; Lot of POSTS, VIDEOS and LINKS
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