SecretGardener / SalaAednik

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high...and a dreames that you dreamed there...and somewhere might be a Seckret Place for You, to relax,if you need,or thinking Your inner thoughts,or just enjoy ,that You ARE-right NOW...and there...
Please welcome to my Secret Garden!

P.S.I would try in future to translate in english shortly about I had wrote in estonian,but most of videos and links are in english anyway...Hope You´ll find something ,what You need to find for Yourself.

EESTI KEELES on osa tekste.Sinul,kes Sa põhiliselt eesti keeles loed,ei tasu nüüd ehmatada ära,et osa pealkirju algul inglise keeles,osa neist olen koondanud nii eesti kui inglise keelse pealkirja alla,osa on eraldi postitatud.Loodan,et see väga ei raskenda Sul Sind huvitavat leidmast.Videod küll enamjaolt inglise keelsed...aga...pilt ju silmnähtav igas keeles ja muusikaga sama lugu.Ilusat kohtumist!

And by the way,
the official site of my favorite musicians
Secret Garden is :


In this blog:

TRAVEL PAGE; Media over the world; Uudiseid; The Healing Power; Woodland etc.; What a wonderful world; Somewhere over the rainbow; Online literature; Gardens of the world; Secret Garden in music; From different sides of the world; From the beginning; Antoine de saint Exupery; Some interesting links; Akiane Kramarik; Creating and Harmony; Amazing Human; Human and art; Handycraft; My old favorite things; Olemise lauluke; In loving memory; Michal Snunit-Hingelind; Jutustan Sinule loo; Siin ja praegu; Aegumatuid tekste; Kahlil Gibran; Intervjuu Jumalaga; Tervise ja hariduse nurgake; Aedadest,kaevudest ja muudest...; Minu Eestimaa; Lot of POSTS, VIDEOS and LINKS

lauantai 9. elokuuta 2008

Gogov shen tchems gulshi-Georgian popular song
Tenor Franco Tenelli sings his version of a Georgian popular song (by Revaz Laghidze)


Why are you stabbing my heart,my beloved,
I'm not done with my life yet.
You know my heart is my eyes and you know I never was so madly in love.
My heart is my eyes and it tells me you're not mine anymore.

The winter is passing, the snow falls and it rains sometimes but it's the winter in your heart that makes me sad and lonely...

about Revaz Laghidze

When Tbilisi was marking her 15th centennial jubilee and all Georgia celebrated with her this anniversary, the "snowfall" of music paper came to Vake Park. A helicopter was flying over the park packed with people and the scores of the song that later almost everyone learned by heart fell from the sky... In those days, many people were probably humming the words of this song: "Tbiliso, the land of sun and roses, without you I live without my heart..."

S. Gelovani _ Khorumi
Mother of Georgia - Tblisi, Georgia


Toto Cutugno - Suliko' (canzone georgiana)

Basiani and Sandra E. Roelofs singing Suliko

Tblisi, Georgia

One of the Best Georgian Folk Dance Groups

Georgian Folk Dancing

brave georgian warriors old song
Mother of Georgia - Old Hellenic Buildings - Tblisi, Georgia

Иракли Пирцхалава - Сакартвело ламазо

Republic of Georgia - Nature and scenery part 2music by: Dato Odzelashvili

Open the gate gently (Калитка).Nani Bregvadze
"Open the gate gently" is a beautiful romantic song magnificently interpreted by this notable Georgian singer Nani Bregvadze. The paintings are by the American painter Diane Romanello ( english version is a courtesy of Denis Azamatov (Moscow).
(little gate in the back side of garden)

"As soon as evening becomes dark blue
As soon as stars sparks in the sky,
And dew beautify like pearls
silver rime(frost) of bird cherry tree,

Open the little gate gently
and come in to quiet garden like shadow.
Dont forget dark mantlet
and wear lace to your head.

I will wait you near garden arbour,
Where the branches interlaces thickly,
and on the threshold of arbour
I will turn lace off beloved lips.

Open the little gate gently
and come in to quiet garden like shadow,
dont forget dark mantlet
and wear lace to your head".

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