One day I´ll try find ,what about if nice song "Somewhere over the rainbow" in internet...
and I found for myself great singer,who passed away on 1997,but hes songs touched me inside deeply,they are for me very much alive,for me are they POWER OF NOW...
And now I want to give this for YOU... :
Somewhere Over the Rainbow - IZ
Runco's Weekly Music - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
"In This Life" - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
IZ ~ Hawai'i Aloha
Iz ~ Hokule'a Star of Gladness
Iz ~ Ka Pua U'i
Bruddah Iz - Henehene Kou ' Aka
Bruddah Iz ~ E Ala E
Bruddah Iz~White Sandy Beach
Guest Contributor/Writer to RWM - Jeff Reeves:
Not too long ago, I stumbled upon a Hawaiian artist named Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, known as Bruddah IZ to his family, friends, and fans. Over the past 15 years, IZ has been considered a heavenly voice of inspiration to many, a prominent voice in Hawaii's search for sovereignty, and a legend in Hawaiian culture.
Known as "The Gentle Giant", IZ was loved by everyone. But like other talented artists, he died young at the age of 38 because of respiratory problems due to his obesity, once weighing over 750 lbs.
He has made renditions, such as Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World," still in the top 50 on Hawaiian billboard charts. He also made a beautiful rendition of Judy Garland's "Somewhere over the Rainbow." Search for it on YouTube; it is everywhere. It gives a spiritual and reenergized feeling to the old song.
In 1997, over 10,000 fans paid tribute to him at his funeral. He is one of three people to have had his casket rest at the Capitol building, the other two being political figures.
The song I wish to share with everyone today is instrumental, meaningful, and uplifting. "Living in a Sovereign Land" is IZ's way of celebrating Hawaiian's history, culture, and individuality. Through his vocals, he expresses Hawaiian desire and deservedness of sovereign rule. His ukulele playing is stylishly reggae, uplifting, and simple. Listen for the jazzy bass in the background, and for the bluesy six string guitar solo in the middle of the song.
I invite everyone to listen, feel, and drift with Bruddah IZ
Mulle on see laul ikka meeldinud. Kuidagi sümboolne ja ülev. Otsisin hiljuti ,milliseid neist variantidest on neti kaudu saada ja leidsin imelise variandi Izrael Kamakawiwo,havailase esituses. Ühel videol on ta kenasti kokku miksinud selle teise imelise lauluga "What s wonderful world". Kummaline, mõtlesin, nii kuulates teda-see olekski nagu üks ja seesama laul!
Me ei tohiks lakata kunagi unistamast,sest kui vahel on väga raske,siis unistused on see jõud ,mis aitab edasi. Kui meile vahel tundub,et on väga raske,siis aitab edasi just see,kui me oskaks ometi märgata midagigi eneste ümber,mida on ilusat-muidu võime ära uppuda oma muredesse. Muidugi ,probleeme tulebki elus lahendada-ainult,et kui me neile pidevalt mõtleme,siis läheme sedavõrd pingesse,et ei näe lahendusi ka. Siis oleksi vaja midagi sellist enesele lubada,nagu IZ laulab. Näha seda,mis annab elule jõu ja mõtte,sest kord saabub aeg minna lõplikult Teisele Poole Vikerkaart... tema läks sinnapoole aastal 1997, 38 aasta vanusena ja siit videolt näete ka tema Hawaii kombekohast matust,tema tuhk puistati ookeani...
Ometi,kui kuulata tema laule...mind igaljuhul puudutavad kuidagi väga sügavalt. Just Täna...
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