SecretGardener / SalaAednik

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high...and a dreames that you dreamed there...and somewhere might be a Seckret Place for You, to relax,if you need,or thinking Your inner thoughts,or just enjoy ,that You ARE-right NOW...and there...
Please welcome to my Secret Garden!

P.S.I would try in future to translate in english shortly about I had wrote in estonian,but most of videos and links are in english anyway...Hope You´ll find something ,what You need to find for Yourself.

EESTI KEELES on osa tekste.Sinul,kes Sa põhiliselt eesti keeles loed,ei tasu nüüd ehmatada ära,et osa pealkirju algul inglise keeles,osa neist olen koondanud nii eesti kui inglise keelse pealkirja alla,osa on eraldi postitatud.Loodan,et see väga ei raskenda Sul Sind huvitavat leidmast.Videod küll enamjaolt inglise keelsed...aga...pilt ju silmnähtav igas keeles ja muusikaga sama lugu.Ilusat kohtumist!

And by the way,
the official site of my favorite musicians
Secret Garden is :


In this blog:

TRAVEL PAGE; Media over the world; Uudiseid; The Healing Power; Woodland etc.; What a wonderful world; Somewhere over the rainbow; Online literature; Gardens of the world; Secret Garden in music; From different sides of the world; From the beginning; Antoine de saint Exupery; Some interesting links; Akiane Kramarik; Creating and Harmony; Amazing Human; Human and art; Handycraft; My old favorite things; Olemise lauluke; In loving memory; Michal Snunit-Hingelind; Jutustan Sinule loo; Siin ja praegu; Aegumatuid tekste; Kahlil Gibran; Intervjuu Jumalaga; Tervise ja hariduse nurgake; Aedadest,kaevudest ja muudest...; Minu Eestimaa; Lot of POSTS, VIDEOS and LINKS

maanantai 4. elokuuta 2008

Aleksandr Solženitsõn is dead /Suri kirjanik Aleksandr Solženitsõn

in english:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Tribute to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

A Day in the Life of Ivan Desinovich


Солженицин-comeback to Russia(0:21)

songs in this mood:
Булат Окуджава Быстро молодость проходит

Булат Окуджава Давайте восклицать

2. Виноградная косточка (Грузинская) - The grapevine seed

Bulat Okudzhava Molitva

Zhanna Bichevskaya - The prayer of François Villon:
Lyrics translated in english(Composer, writer: Bulat Okudzhava):
(by Alec Vagapov)

"While the world is still turning, and while the daylight is broad,
Oh Lord, pray, please give everyone what he or she hasn't got.
Give the timid a horse to ride, give the wise a bright head,
Give the fortunate money and about me don't forget.

While the world is still turning, Lord, You are omnipotent,
Let those striving for power wield it to their heart's content.
Give a break to the generous, at least for a day or two,
Pray, give Cain repentance, and remember me, too.

I know You are almighty, and I believe You are wise
Like a soldier killed in a battle believes he's in paradise.
Like every eared creature believes, oh, my Lord, in You,
Like we believe, doing something, not knowing what we do.

Oh Lord, oh my sweet Lord, my blue eyed Lord, You're good!
While the world is still turning, wondering, why it should,
While it has got sufficient fire and time, as You see,
Give each a little of something and remember about m

Андрей Миронов Прощальная песня

музыка из к/ф "Долгая дорога в дюнах"

Раймонд Паулс /Raimonds Pauls - Долгая дорога в дюнах

Тамара Гвердцители - Мольба

Тамара Гвердцители - Плач матери (Реквием)-Requiem

Vladimir Vysotsky "Все позади: и КПЗ, и суд..."Toronto 1979

Vladimir Vysotsky - Na Bratskih Mogilah

Владимир Высоцкий (Vysotsky) "Прощание с горами"

Blue mountains (Vladimir Vysotskij)

Песня о друге

visotsky - tolko on ne vernulsya iz boya


Aleksandr Solženitsyn on kuollut

eesti keeles:

Aleksandr Solženitsõn

Suri Nobelia preemia saanud kirjanik

...Aleksandr Issajevitš Solženitsõn (vene keeles Александр Исаевич Солженицын; 11. detsember 1918 Kislovodsk3. august 2008 Moskva) oli üks tuntumaid vene kirjanikke ja dissidente.

Suri kirjanik Aleksandr Solženitsõn

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