FLYING ON ONE ENGINE by Joshua Weinstein (USA)
as the Estonian People's Award according to the TV-voting on Estonian TV.
Flying On One Engine -Trailer
FilmCatcher: Flying On One Engine Interview-Joshua Weinstein
Dr Dicksheet's India Project - About Dr Dicksheet
"...He is an amazing man. Paralysed and barely able to walk or talk, ravaged by cancer and two severe heart attacks that have left him seriously disabled, Sharadkumar Dicksheet of Brooklyn, New York, refuses to give up. He comes to India every year for six months to do corrective surgery on those who cannot afford it. Free. Excerpts from an interview with Pritish Nandy. ..."
eesti keeles:
ETVs 11. juulil kell 22.05
Lennates ühe mootoriga (India/USA 2008)
Autor Joshua Weinstein